IndigoStack Forums
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General discussion
Feature requests
Suggestion: timed question to start all servers at startup
Can't override my.cnf, reverting after restart
Problem starting stack
Alternative domains in nginx
Problems with Sequoia Apache PHP and spaces in directories
Bug - Apache not starting on Sequoia 15.2
Bug - space in folder names
ImagickException PHP 8.3
License Activation Does not Automatically Enable Pro Bundle
So you also joined to the anti-consumer practice of "Pro" versions.
Getting “Unable to connect” in the browser
Stacks get lost/deleted
Can't use mysql on command line
How add domain using sh script before start app?
[Feature Request] NGINX and/or Apache proxies to other local dev servers.
MySQL error - "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'"
Secure Connection Failed in Firefox
Problems overriding my.cnf
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