Port 53 is in use on my Mac - I'm unable to launch the app - is there some easy way around this?

I had this error. I had to quit Docker and make sure dnsmasq (installed by Laravel Valet) was stopped before it would work.

Hi @Vaskerville — sorry for the delayed response. It can be very frustrating trying to find which process is using a given port. I've written a support doc on this topic:


Port 53 is used for DNS resolution, if that helps prompt any thoughts as to what might cause this on your Mac.

In my experience a surprising culprit which sometimes uses port 53 is Apple’s Virtualization Framework, which is used by Docker (in certain configurations/versions) as well as UTM, Tart and the like (also only in some circumstances, as far as my testing has seen).

Let us know how you get on!

@gilbitron is there a way that Indigo could detect that Valet is running? I couldn't find anything in the Valet docs that would indicate whether it's running. I was hoping for valet status or similar. If Indigo found it was running it could offer to stop it for you.

    Indigo I’m not aware of a single command to check if valet is running. But it uses homebrew installed services, so you can run “brew services list” to check what’s running.

    The problem with doing a brew services list is that we can't really tell whether a service is running courtesy of valet, or if it was started some other way. At app launch, Indigo could probably just blindly run valet stop but it feels a bit presumptious.

    It just occurred to me that you might actually want to run both Indigo and Valet simultaneously. I'm thinking there's not a lot I can really do to smooth over the UX when Valet is already running.

    I'm running Homebrew. I'm in the middle of a big project so I'll have to wait before I can try Indigo, again.

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