Hey, thanks for your question. Each stack's configuration is all stored in a config file which you can see in the Finder. In Indigo, click on a stack and then select "Show in Finder" from the File menu.
Indigo is very deliberately designed so that this file can be moved (even while Indigo is using it), renamed, and most importantly shared, using an app like Dropbox or Syncthing, or by putting it under version control (eg Git). It's really helpful to have your dev infrastructure version controlled as you can share it within a team, and also can easily revert to a previous configuration if needed, and can see the history of when things changed etc. You can also store the config file along with a project so that if you ever need to revisit an old project you should be able to get a dev environment up and running again quickly, even if it required specific config overrides or service versions.
Let me know if that answers your question, or if I've misunderstood. Also please throw me any ideas if you feel this functionality could be more visible in the UI.