I noticed that all my processes spawned from the stack are 'Intel' arch. This has been so far — but I wanted to confirm that as of right now only the x86 packages are being installed and ran via brew. If not, maybe I have my homebrew setup mis-configured and should play with that to try to get arm64 support?


Hope that helps 🙂

Incidentally, Indigo does not (currently) interact with Homebrew on your Mac. You may find references to Homebrew behind-the-scenes in Indigo, because the services it ships with are modified Homebrew distributions. This may change in future.

    I must have tried a bunch of other searches but not m1. Thanks for the link! The intel builds are plenty fast for me right now as well.

    Indigo ncidentally, Indigo does not (currently) interact with Homebrew on your Mac. You may find references to Homebrew behind-the-scenes in Indigo, because the services it ships with are modified Homebrew distributions. This may change in future.

    Ok that makes sense and must be why I thought it was using homebrew.

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