Was really excited to try this out... but when I click "New Stack" (or select from the menu), the app crashes. πŸ™

I'm trying to upload a screen shot of the error, but the forum says there's an error uploading the image.

I can add: I'm running MacOS 12.3.1 on a Macbook Pro M1

Also, what are the uninstall instructions? I know IndigoStack installed a helper(s), as well as a root certificate. How do I make sure to get rid of these now?

I'm hopeful the issue described here might explain your crash β€” let me know if you get a chance.

Forum images do need fixing... so many things all at once! πŸ™‚

Re uninstalling... please don't go so soon! πŸ™‚ But whether you do or not, I agree it's important to be able to uninstall fully. I have added a todo to my list to create a support document on that topic.

For now, if you wish you can uninstall the helper through the app preferences, and remove other files at the locations mentioned here: https://indigostack.app/docs/help/faq/#q-where-does-indigo-install-its-services

9 days later

Just a followup on this:

  • others experienced a similar crash to that which you described, and this is fixed in the current release
  • uploading images to the forum should now be working fine
  • there are now uninstallation instructions in the documentation here

Thanks for your feedback!

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